9 Good Reasons You Should Date a Short Guy, You Probably Didn’t Know No.4

The height gap is a well-known factor that people take into consideration while looking for a spouse. Better height has always been associated with dominance, strength, and confidence. The tall-guy phenomenon affects a lot of individuals. Many women prefer to date taller men and disregard other important factors like compatibility and character.

Do heights actually matter in relationships, though? The dating pool can be increased by dating a short guy if what women desire is an honest, serious, and long-lasting relationship. However, short men should be given a fair chance. In the end, it comes down to personal preferences.


If you are a short guy, it does not mean your dating pool has shrunk or you are doomed in the dating department. It only means there a few obstacles on your path to true love. Here are the challenges if you are a short guy or if you are dating one:


However, for some, being short is a dating deal-breaker. While many people are happy to date a guy regardless of height. This can severely undermine the confidence of short guys. The trick is to go for people you get along with, and there are plenty of people who wouldn’t mind your height half as much as you think.


Another difficulty arises when you start to defend your decision or worry about using the appropriate words. Give your boyfriend credit and don’t care about his height if you two get along or compatible.


The third issue is that society stigmatizes and holds less favorably against short men. When dating a small guy, you could start to question whether everyone is simply interested in his height, despite the fact that he is attractive and has a fantastic personality.


Men find attractive and interesting qualities in men who are self-assured enough to date someone who is taller. Therefore, keep in mind that there is more to a person than just their height and that excluding small guys would merely narrow down your alternatives. The following ideas might dispel stereotypes:

  1. There is no correlation between height and penis size

Seriously. Believe me. or don’t Trust this 1993 study that found virtually no relationship between height and penis size. It was published in the way-too-entertainingly-named Annals of Sex Research. But also, believe me, seriously. Absolutely no connection.

2. Kissing is less awkward

You won’t ever have to go through that awkwardly choreographed moment of bending and stretching where you’re on your tiptoes and your extremely tall partner is slumped over at an awkward angle and everyone involved is on the verge of developing a hernia. A kiss may just be a kiss when you date a guy who is roughly your height; no step stools or pulley systems are necessary.

3. Short guys have more sex

According to a recent study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, shorter men had more sex than their taller contemporaries. Who is to blame? Are they all sexually active with me? Is that all? (Sorry, I’m not allowed to disclose that information.)

Moreover, there’s an advantage of overcompensating, this is by no means scientific, but the general consensus from women seems to be that guys who don’t necessarily feel the most attractive will often work much harder in bed, whereas the Don Drapers of the world, who are used to being wanted and pursued by women, focus more on the act of receiving pleasure than giving it.

4. You tend to have less sex positioning problems

A brief conversation with a female colleague whiles on campus, some years back, revealed that the friend was in a long-term relationship with a man who was a full foot taller than herself. She explained that his penis was roughly level with her abdomen as they stood side by side, making sex just as awkward as you might expect. Here, when boning required a lot of squatting on shaky structures constructed out of stacked pillows and crawling around on tables. With a short guy, there is no issue; all your parts are in alignment, and you are free to use your imagination rather than wasting all of your time attempting to get your genitalia on the same visual plane.

4. Short guys live longer than tall guys

Short men live two years longer than tall men, average, which is wonderful news for all of my fellow morbid straight ladies who obsessively wonder whether they or their boyfriend will pass away first. These ladies are height-obsessed!

Another source: Slate also reports 

5. Short guys are more accommodating

Studies shows that shorter men usually compensate for their height. They tend to be sensible, kind, and loyal from the other side of the height spectrum. They are even known to contribute more to household chores and are also better financial contributors.

6. Short guys tend to have more Napoleon tendencies or complex.

Studies have shown that, short guys with Napoleon complexes are ambitious, capable and driven: they also have learned how to command respect through means other than appearance, all admirable traits. And as for Napoleon himself, well, you know he was sexy as hell, right?
Few of them don’t have Napoleon complexes, being short doesn’t make you power-hungry, demanding, or give you something to prove.

7. You don’t need to feel “tiny” in order to feel “sexy”

I’ve encountered a lot of women who say that they only want to hook up with taller guys, because they want to feel “tiny” and like they’re being “ravished” in bed. To which I can only reply: dude, have you ever actually been ravished? It has nothing to do with height, unless your main sexual fetish is being carried back and forth across a room, over and over again. Sexiness, virility, and even old-fashioned machismo are not outside the domain of shorter guys.

Plus, the idea that the only way you can feel like a “real woman” in bed is to be smaller than your partner smells like anti-feminist propaganda to me, frankly. Why doesn’t everyone just try to be whatever size they actually are, and just bang the hell out of each other that way, very funny right?

8. Men who are into dating women who are taller than them can be pretty enlightened

Of course, this dating/height bias goes both ways. A lot of men want to date a woman who is physically smaller than them, for the same reasons that a lot of women want to hook up with tall guys: that’s how society says it should go, and it physically replicates our social ideas of the roles men and women should play in heterosexual relationships, that men should be big and powerful, and that women should be less powerful. That’s why a guy who’s game for dating a taller woman might have more progressive ideas about dating and women in general.

9. They’re less likely to divorce

Evidence report by The Huffington Post, indicates that short men are 32% less likely to call it quits. If you’re looking for a stable marriage, a shorter man might be able to give you everything you need for marital bliss.

Source: Based on studies

There are other mere subtle reasons why dating a short guy is very advantageous such as: Short guys can be really really funny, cuddling short guys is really amazing, you don’t have to wear high heels shoes and many others.


Looks are not the be-all-and-end-all of happy relationships. The attractiveness need not always be physical. To fall in love and go through life together, height or looks should not be made a priority. You cannot judge a person by their height and decide if you will be compatible with them or not. What is important is to share similar values and life goals.

Throw those perceptions away and look at dating with a new perspective!
You have made a sensible choice by choosing someone who shares your values.

Good job on not adhering to height norms.

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