[Just In] : Teacher Unions To Call off Strike – [Check Inner Source Date Here!]

Teacher unions to call off strike over new GES DG after the National Labour Commission (NLC) directive was issued. However, the unions at the time of this publication were yet to communicate to their members their next line of action.

From previous strike actions practices by the teacher unions, strike actions are called off latest Friday evening. If this practice is to be followed and the unions are ready to call off the strike and go back to the negotiating table on the substantive issues, we project teachers will return to the classrooms across the country effective Monday, 14th November 2022.

The Labour Commission ordered all three teacher unions to immediately call off their strike and continue negotiations with the central government.

“The Commission has directed pre-tertiary Unions to call off the strike immediately to engage with the government over the issues in dispute. Parties are to report on 16th November 2022,”

The strike action was to register the displeasure of the staff of the education service regarding the appointment of Dr. Nkansah. The teacher unions called on the MoE to cancel which was done hence the strike.

The teacher unions embarked on their strike on November 4, 2022, and called on all their members to withdraw their services in all pre-tertiary education institutions until their request is met.

The decision to reject the appointment of the new Director-General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) was because he did not have an Educationist background to merit the appointment as required by the statutes.

Due to the strike, learners in public Basic and secondary schools have been home since 4th November 2022.

The teaching fraternity is waiting for the final decision from the three teacher unions to be communicated to them on whether the strike has been called off or not.

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