Episode 2 : When We First Met (Taming Her)


( Taming her)

            Episode 2 

       *At Nevada college*

I collected my necessary materials immediately I got to school. I walked majestically as many eyes were on me. Of course I know I’m too beautiful to the extend I’m been mistaken to an angel

Nevada college was founded by my dad some years ago before his dismiss, the school is very popular for it’s great reputation.
Here in Nevada college are students of different caliber, class and position. I guess dad made it that way so that even the poorest person could get in and I really hate the idea but sadly I can’t change anything

“Wow! She is damn hot and beautiful” ..a student said.

“I wish I could make her my girlfriend” … another student said

“Dream on” ..I replied with a smile

“I heard her late dad owns the school”another student said.”.

“Of course he owns it I replied randomly as I continue walking

“No wonder she thinks she has make it in life, and she is too proud.. a girl said

Does she hate me already? For crying out loud, it’s my first day in school. Or does the person know me? Anyway I don’t give a damn
“yes that’s because I am proud, rude and not even move by what a thing like you say” I said turning to face the girl.

She looked furious and really angry probably because I called her a thing but who cares?

“How dare you..she said coming close to me

“Do you wanna beat me? I scoff

“You think I can’t? She said fixing her fist. She doesn’t know I’m a good fighter. Now I wish this school was only made for the rich then I wouldn’t have to waste my time on this ape right in front of me I thought then smirk while waiting for her next move

“You don’t need to misbehave just because your late dad owns the school…she replied emphasizing on LATE which really pissed me

And who are you to tell me what to do and how to do it? I asked trying not to be move by her words though it hurts to know dad died last year..

“I am Rainbow, you might want to ask about me. No one jokes with me here___ she couldn’t even finish her word when I burst out laughing heavily…

“How pathetic. I scoff

“So you are one of the bullies they do post in the school group? I said still laughing

“How dare you…she said landing me a slap then spate on me.
“Gross”….I said cleaning my face.. It seems the anger I kept at home because of the senseless maid will have to go to this fool.

Wow.. this girl must be taught a lesson. I said holding my cheek. Even mom hasn’t hit me on the face before.. and this lowlife girl just did. Kindly Hi NovelsRepublic on +2348055889183 on WhatsApp to get added to our novels group and get PDF links. Nay, this can’t slide. The slap was really painful. I said inwardly..

“You don’t know me so do I, I only see you in the school group and now, you slap and spate on me for no reason? You will regret doing this and also regret meeting me..

“What will you do about it”? She replied walking really close to me than before.
Wow, Who does she think she is? A super hero? Before she could say another word, I gave her two resounding slap which I believe must have reset her fish brain by now as if that wasn’t enough, i emptied my bottle of juice on her…

“Don’t try to bully me or make any attempt to cus you will be making a greatest mistake of your life”… I said walking away but stopped and face her again

“Don’t forget, I am Ella the owner of this school and “The bully itself” mark this face cus any plan against me is like digging up your own grave with your own hands”..I said and left the scene to the bathroom to wash my face….when I was done,I decided to go to class when someone bumps into me stepping on my toes and dirtying my shoes..
“Today is just a bad day for me” I muttered but I’m happy I let out my anger on that crazy fool

“Does it hurt?… I heard a female voice asked mockingly..

“That’s what you get for what you did to Rainbow”.. she added folding her arms

“Ah !.. So you are? I asked to be sure cus she really looked familiar

“Rienne.. she stated.
I’m a friend to the girl you slapped out there. She added
we are the Rs Rainbow, Roseanne and…..

“I didn’t ask for your life story “I said cutting her off
“and I never knew you could be a friend to that fish brain” I added

“Well …birds of the same feathers flock together don’t you agree?” I said mockingly

What did you just say? Are you crazy” she said angrily

Am not darling” giving her a lopsided grin
Now Clean my shoes … I said in a serious tone since I was tired of playing games

Why should I? She asked

“I think you want this the hard way” I said getting angry

What can you do? You daughter of a dog” she retorted and that got me really mad, like me?? Daughter of a dog? Like is she calling Mrs Wilson a dog? So it means I’m a puppy..I can’t let this slide I thought angrily

“Since you want this the hard way then you shouldn’t blame me…..now clean my shoes with your hair I said getting more serious

She looked at me then scoffed “I should clean your shoes with my hair? You must be craz…..I didn’t let her finish her statement before grabbing her hair and pulling it hard while she groan in pain

“Now clean it” I commanded she immediately did so
“Good girl” you wouldn’t have gone through this if you would have listened without hesitation.. I said then push her roughly on the ground making her hit her butt on the floor
“Never cross my path again” I added then left the rest room
You will regret this i promise you. I will make you pay….I heard her say but who cares….

To Be Continued

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