All-In -One Teaching Portfolio : [ Updated ]


There are a variety of teaching methods, but as a science teacher, I tend to use a hands-on method because it increases student and teacher involvement. This is in support of and a reflection of my teaching philosophies, which are that students should be actively engaged in the learning environment by making it dynamic and natural.

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Assessing and measuring teaching effectiveness as well as improving teaching practice is bestaccomplished when multiple of sources of evidence is used. The following are some of the strategies:

Self-reflection on teaching: I have been keeping track of my teaching by annotatingassignments,tests and class exercise on an ongoing basis.
Gathering student feedback: Depending on my assessment objectives, I always considerallowing all students to contribute,timely responding to the student feedback and collectionof feedback.
Collaborating with colleagues: In addition to the above,I sometimes collaborate withfellow teachers to observe my classroom lessons since observations are most effectiveapproach in measuring teaching effectiveness.
Feedback from students:Often times, I find out from my students how they see

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Learning takes place in students’ heads where it is invisible to teachers. This means that learning must be measured through performance. I used both formative and summative form of assessmentin measuring my students’ learning


As a young professional, I mostly use formative form of assessment in my class since mostteachers and researchers increasingly interested in it, as its reflect and supports students’ learning.Formative is just the process in which teachers and students provide feedback during instruction toorganize the learning and teaching process in order to increase students’ achievement
From the beginning of every lesson I deliver, my students are given the responsibilities fortheir own learning, giving each child a chance to create their own learning of the subject since themy use formative assessment informs me as the classroom teacher about whether my students havelearned and they have the indicator qualification for how my next lesson should be planned.
In fact, at the center of formative assessment is the concept of feedback. I guide my studentsto criticize their own work based on my clearly stated expectations since I am not the only source offeedback during my classroom instructions. This in turn, gives me the information about how tomake adjustment to improve what my students learn and how they learn in school.
In contrast, summative are designed to determine whether or not module’s learning objectivesare achieved. Moreover, using summative helps me to measure my students learning at the end of

the course. Examples like terminal exams helps me to cumulatively collect outcome of my termlyprogram.
The following are some of the ways I measure my students’ learning:
·Class exercises
·Quizzes(Oral and written)
·Home works
Group works

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NOTE: This is the sample of the summarized monitoring tools for first term. Please make sure that you eliminate all holidays before completing the above table, do same for term 2 and term 3.

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As a teacher, I play a critical role in students learning and achievement. My teachingcompetencies offer practical strategies,practices, and rules to guide me in ways to improveinstruction that improves students’ performance and the quality of work. My teachingcompetencies are my skills that enable me to be a successful teacher. These are:
·Instructional delivery: I am expected as a teacher to practice proven strategies whichlead to mastery of lessons. I must vary my teaching techniques as I continue to learnmore. I do this by selecting the learning area to be taught, evaluate learners’ acquisitionand to provide remedial opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills.
Classroom management: effective rules and procedures are set for my class in order toestablish acceptable classroom behavior. This is also to build a positive teacher-students’ relationship by providing timely and frequent feedback for appropriatebehavior.
Formative assessment: I asses my learners before, during and after my lesson and alsoprovide immediate feedback since this offers me insight into who is succeeding and whois falling behind. Data of my students are also recorded through both formal andinformal assessments.
Communication and Collaboration: Communication is very important in the life ofevery mankind. Ability to join hands together in solving a particular in the school cannotbe looked on with a blind sight. As a young professional, who has a little experience in

the teaching profession, I am able to build good communication habits with mycolleague staff members as well as the students.



·Although many teaching principles and practices can be learned through workshops andresearched articles,there is no substitute for individual discussion with other scienceteaching fellows about my teaching styles and interaction with other staff members.
·Also,I have been measuring how much my students have increased in learning over aperiod of my National Service.
Another is to observing lessons of other experienced classroom teachers.

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My action plans are based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, and curriculum
·Plan lessons that address variation in learning styles,development needs,and individualneeds
Plan instructions based upon curriculum goals
Increase knowledge in science taking a class
·Create an environment in which students can learn cooperatively and independently.
To make further research in modern science teaching techniques in order to at par with themodern science development.


Often in Integrated Science lessons, I like to bring in cardboard or chart presentations so mystudents can draw out their ideas schematically.
In fulfillment of my teaching goals, I strive to create a classroom where every studentsregardless of his or her learning styles, can achieve success. This means that I must first getto understand my students individually through personal meetings and informal dialogue andrespond to their needs.

·To my second goal, I insist that classroom be non-hierarchical, which requires me to removemyself gradually as the central authority,an exceptional creative,heartfelt and usefulexercise.I also encourage team teaching assignment
Since I became part of the staff of my school,there are few things which has gone on well in theschool as well others which did not go well.Below is a summary reflective note:
Things that has gone on well in the school:
·Regular class attendance: On the average, students have been attending morning andafternoon class regularly. This has positively affected students’ performance since theyalways make appearance for class lessons
Observation of COVID-19 safety protocols: In my school,there is a Covid-19 ambassadorwho ensures that these safety measures which were outlined by the WHO and the Ministryof Health is observed.
Cordial relationship among staff: Members of the staff has been relating well each since Ibegan my National Service in January 2021.
Things that has not gone on well in the school:
·Poor Sanitation: Sanitation is very important in every academic institution of which mystation is of no exception. A careful observation made for the past few months indicatedstudents throw rubbish on the school compound indiscriminately whiles there are dustbinsprovided for such purpose. Though this is very discouraging, I collaborated with my fellowteachers to put measures in place to discourage such attitudes especially among students.

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What I strongly believed in is that no man on earth is perfect and no matter how best you are you stillneed to learn

So due to this believe I normally have a discussionon my lesson with my mentor after lesson. Duringthese months of my induction there are some of thethings I have stopped doing and some things I haveadopted, based on the reflective teaching I normally have with my colleagues and mentor at times I go to the lead mentor


During the initial stage of my teaching my mentortold me my assessment is too small. That I ask fewquestion and times no question but as you can seein my learning plan you could observe that there issufficient assessment to meet the expectedlearning outcome in behavioral terms

Also previously I like to normally mention thelearners name before asking a question but mymentor questioned me that when I do that I makethe other students reluctant so I should kindly stop that indeed I stopped and I realized the students’participation in the lesson increased. Reflective practices have actually helped

During one faithful afternoon, in reflective meeting with my mentor he told me “your lessons are sometimes boring” so he said last year a workshop was organized on differential learning whichencompasses using different methods to maintainthe liveliness of a class the resultant is that aworkshop on differential learning (DL) wasorganized for all newly qualified teachers (NQT)

Challenges Encountered in Teaching

In the school, there was no ICT laboratory neither was there any computer. So if you want to have any lesson you requires the use of IT, you have totravel to another town, the road to that town too bad to negotiate.

The unavailability of mobile network made it impossible to teach topics relating to the internet and very difficult for carrying out research.

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Upon realizing that, poor sanitation is one among other disheartening problems in the school,Iworked jointly with my comrades to either help solve it or improve on the sanitation of the school.Below were some of the measures we undertook:
·Ensuring that dustbins are put in vantage regions in the school
·Appointing students leaders as dustbins guards
·Students were made to roundly read the sanitation inscription on the school wall
·Students were made to pick rubbish on the school compound before school closes.

Date:8th August,2021
Venue:School Hall

·Lateness and Absenteeism for early morning class( Form 3s): The house expressedconcerns about the attitudes of the form threes towards their morning classes
Lack of students’ initiatives:The teachers raised the issue of students not having anintentional self-improvement plan for the betterment of their academics
Parental supervision: The parents were encouraged to offer proper supervision for theirwards after school
·Analysis of 3rd Mock results:
·Motivation of promising students: Two of our form threes students were awarded tomotivate them do more.

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Date:29th Sep,2021
Venue: School Canteen
·Official introduction of Mentees: The Head teacher officially introduced the 2021 menteesto the parents. These mentees, 2 females and 5 males are to undertake their teaching practicein the school for the next three months
Erection of school shed:The parents agreed to contribute 2 Ghana cedi for the erection ofthe school shed.
Purchasing of School computers: The Head teacher proposed to the parents on their plan topurchase few computers to assist in the teaching of the ICT in the school.
Students dressing and Haircut:The parent were encouraged to ensure that their wards putup decent dress to school as well as having appropriate.
Issues regarding the form threes: Mr. Adamuah,briefed the house on the followingtopics:
Taking of pictures
·Morning and afternoon classes
·Writing of mocks
School camping.

• Closing remarks: The headteacher

•Closing Prayer: Mr. Abban

•Departure: 12:15pm


Date:14TH September,2021
Venue:Form 3 Class

Effective use of instructional hours: The Head teacher encouraged teachers to use theirlesson hours effectively.
Improvement on pupils’ performance:The house discussed strategies to enhance theacademic performance of their children. Some of these were: MIarking of students work ontime, acting as parents to the pupils, discouragement of pregnant school girls visiting theschool and many others
Official introduction of the 2021 Mentees:The head teacher officially introduced the 2021mentees to undertake their four months teaching practice.
Funds: A suggestion was made to solicit funds from the community to help purchase more students desks



As a National Service Personnel (Researcher),I have been teaching at the Junior HighSchool 1 and one of the most discouraging problems I faced is that my students do not consistentlycomplete homework assignments.
This problem was identified after making continuous observation on how my studentssubmit their homework assignment for marking, scoring and distribution. It was realized that eight(8) to twelve(12) out of forty six (46) of my students do not submit their homework on time and asizeable number of students do not submit their work at all due to non-completion.
In this Action Research Report, I am attempting to uncover reasons why my students do notcomplete homework assignments regularly. The researcher also look at ways to motivate them to dotheir homework assignments, and also possible teaching strategies to implement that will encouragemore consistent completion of homework assignments.
According to Cooper (1989), homework is the “task given to students by school teachersthat are intended to be carried out during non-school hours”. There has been much debate andresearch done over the years on the subject of homework. There is research to support the positiveeffects of homework on student achievement, as well as the negative impact it can have on thefamily. There is not a conclusive evidence to support the benefits or limitations of homework.
Several factors such as the structure of the homework assignments, students’ differences,home environments, and the community in which one lives in all play important roles in homeworkcompletion. There are several research-proven strategies that, if used properly and effectively,willhelp make sure that students complete homework when assigned.
In my experience,the researcher provide intervention to this worrying problem for few ofmy students identified during my observation.The intervention took the researcher a month wherehe(researcher)properly tracked the progress of the intervention strategies.
Since students have their individual differences,homework assignments was assigned differently tothe target few students that could be completed in reasonable time limit. This is because homeworkassignment is an extension of work that was completed in the class for the day,and therefore it isbecame imperative to pay attention to students’ differences in interests and learning styles.
The researcher emphasized on homework quality rather than quantity. This is to encourage thetargets few to take their time and do the assignment correctly rather rushing to through it and notlearning what is not intended.
After the interventional strategies carried out, it was observed that the targets few and even otherstudents changed their attitudes towards completion of homework assignments

Conclusively,students now complete and submit their homework assignments on time for marking.

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Date:February 17,2021
Venue:An opened classes (JHS1 & 2)
Purpose: World’s Mathematics Day
On this day,the Quiz Committee, on which I served as the Quiz Master,engaged thestudents intellectually by organizing Inter-Sectional Mathematics Quiz as part of the scheduledactivities in creating awareness and also celebrating this remarkable since we made informedapplications of Mathematics in our daily lives.
The Mathematics Quiz Competition which took an hour had four rounds and featured fourSections in the school RED,BLUE,YELLOW AND GREEN.


It is my great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Mr. [The name of the teacher], he has been my staff member at BIRIWA Zion School for the past eight months, undertaking his One YearMandatory Induction Service. During this period, he has very capably taught Mathematics andReligious and Moral Education at the Junior High Level.
Mr. [The name of the teacher], is to be commended for his professionalism concern for his students,and quality of instruction. He plans lessons well and works diligently as well as good attitudestowards school attendance. His assignments and exams are well conceived,quickly corrected,promptly returned. I have found Mr. [The name of the teacher] to be uniquely resourceful and adaptive.
Aside his responsibilities as a classroom teacher, he serves as a Sports Secretary on theschool’s sports committee. His contributions to sporting activities forever remain an indeliblememory in the minds of students and the entire school populace.
Aside his responsibilities as a classroom teacher, he serves as the Acting/Personal Secretaryof the school and to the head teacher. He is also a member of the School’s Quiz Committee foreverremain an indelible memory in the minds of students, the staff and the entire school populace.
Students respect is obvious in his classroom lessons. He deeply cares about his students andthey look to him for approval and guidance. His approach to teaching has generated a warm andclose rapport with his classes as well as his Mathematics department. As a young professional withlittle experience, who is profoundly interested in developing high students, I strongly endorse.
Mr. [The name of the teacher],has the needed intellect, passion, and communication skills to be anoutstanding teacher, and I recommend him without reservation.

[Headteacher Signature]

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