Teaching Portfolio : NTC to Extend Uploading Deadline Date [New Date Here]

The NTC is mandated by the Education Act 2008(Act 778), section 9 to improve professional standing and status of teachers register teachers in Ghana.

The National Teaching Council (NTC), as part of their mandate, is the body that ensures that all teachers in Ghanaian public and private schools are licensed.

Few year down, the body(NTC) which is established by law, instituted that all Ghanaian public and private school teachers are issued a permanent license which will enable them gain global recognition and opportunities in the teaching profession.

It then official that the first-ever teacher licensure examination will take place in the colleges of education throughout the country from 2018.

Teachers already on the field prior to the writing of the license exams would not be required to sit for the exams but would undertake in-service professional training programs to upgrade themselves to enable them obtain the their license. This has been done successfully and licensed cards issued upon payment.

The NTC then brought to the light of teachers “The Building of Teaching Portfolio”. Here, teachers are to gather chunk of information ranging picture of school events, documents and other related supportive evidence in their classroom and school experiences and upload them their teachers’ portal (www.ntv.gov.com).

On the portal, December 1, 2022 is the deadline for teachers to submit the required documents and information online(teachers portal).

Per our checks, the NTC website, specifically the teacher’s portal, few days to the deadline has seen some unusual traffic since every single teachers wants to complete his/her assignments before the said date.

Due to this pressure on the site, which is making some teachers uncomfortable and finding it difficult to access their online portal, it would therefore be expected that the National Teaching Council (NTC), looks into the situation and make extension of the deadline in order for many other teachers to access and upload their information successfully.

Regardless, the Butler-Gh is also set to serve it members with a full sample of the teaching portfolio (teaching philosophy, reflective learning, action research, monitoring tools, collaborative writing and many more) here on the platform.


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