EPISODE 3 : When We First Met (Taming Her)

?When we first met?

             ( Taming )

           ? Episode 3?

Mrs Rodger the English teacher came to class and lecture began, I was so attentive in the class cus English was my favorite subject. Many questions were asked, I answered them correctly though I wasn’t the only who answered it
Most question were also answered by Christain or what so ever his name was, Mrs Rodger called him christian if I’m not mistaken. I didn’t get to see his face cus he was sitting at the back who cares anyway. Classes were over and I decided to go take a walk when someone stopped me

She was quite beautiful but not as I am though. I thought looking at her from her head to her toe then back to her face

“Can we be friends”? She asked

“No thanks”… I said walking away but she grabbed me by my wrist

“You look beautiful and I wish to be your friend”.. she said

No thanks.. I replied and snatch my hand from her grip

Anyway I am angel and you? She said

How bold”!. I scoff walking closer to her
When I was sure I was close enough I lean slightly
“I never asked for your name “I whispered and walk a way..

“How rude”! I heard her say

“You should have known that by now” I smirk and finally walk out

I walk to the basketball ground then sat on the bench and watch them play,the memory of my dad and I playing basketball came ringing in my head and smiled sadly


“Sweetheart pass the ball” .. dad said

“No dad I’m gonna win this time around” .. I said running to the basket to throw in the ball

“Wow.. I won.. I said excitedly as dad ran to me and hugged me

“My little angel is the best” .. he said as he touches my cheek.

 ★★★ End of flashback★★★

Dad and I have been playing basketball since I was 3 and everything stopped when I was 17. Nevertheless, I am still very good at basketball.

Just thinking about it made me shed tears I wasn’t even aware was running down my cheek

“Here…take this, clean your face,I believe you need it more”..a masculine voice said stretching an handkerchief at me

“I didn’t ask for your help” I said and wanted to walk away when he held me back

“What do you think you are doi… I chocked on my words on seeing the beautiful face in front of me

I just hate seeing girls cry.. he added giving me his hankie but I hesitated
“You don’t need to be nice to me”.. I said releasing my hands from his

“I think you are the stubborn type… It doesn’t suit you, you know.. He smirk as he pull me closer and clean my tears.

I wanted to hit him but his cute face didn’t give me the chance. And at this rate, some students were already taking pictures

“Thank you for your help”. I said pushing him off

Do you wanna play? He asked brushing his hair backwards with his hands

Wow.. he’s too cute to say no, I thought to myself..

Alright…I said as he collected the ball from another student and walk to the field while I followed him behind still wondering why I’m just following him like a fool

Only dad could say such to me without me resisting. Kindly Hi NovelsRepublic on +2348055889183 on WhatsApp to get added to our novels group and get PDF links.
Did dad possess him?. I thought again
When we finally got to the field, There were many students seated already cheering and hailing him

” Chase, I know you can do it” a girl screamed

Is his name chase? What a weird na. I said stretching out

Its as if this chase of a guy is trying to embarrass himself …I smiled evily to myself, he doesn’t know who his opponent is. I’m too good to be beaten by this cute guy with a weird name

” Let’s show him who the boss is”

” Here.. change into this” chase or whatever his name is said pointing a top at me

“You won’t want to sweat on your cloth, so just change into this” he added

I slowly took the top from him then quickly remove my own top , thanks to the singlet I wore I could change right there

The game started. We played for a while scoring 2 goals each

” He’s a good player I must say” I thought. ” He isn’t even giving me a chance to win” I grumble mentally

Few minutes to go.. I decided to bring out the real me. I collected the ball from him and headed towards the net. I was about to score my winning goal then boom!! The devil decided to intervene
My legs stumbled on each other , I gasp as I felt my self falling down
Oh no! Am I falling? I screamed and close my eyes and waiting for my body to hit the ground but it didn’t

Is someone playing tricks or magic on me? I thought and opened my eyes only to see the cute guy with the weird name holding me in his arm staring down at me

I could feel anger and happiness inside me,, wait!!..why am I angry? I thought as I pushed him off me

Is he that weak? I said as I watch him staggered and was about falling. But the next thing he did surprised me

“I’m not going down alone” I didn’t have time to process his word when he suddenly grab my hand
” What are you doing” I whisper- yell,! that was when everything became clear to me

“You must be really stupid… I yelled trying to release my hands but, i ended up falling on him.

“Jezz.. this guy is very beautiful ” I didn’t know when those words left my mouth.. my eyes trail from his gray eyes down to his lips, I swallowed nothing as I couldn’t stop staring, my eyes were fixed on his lips so was his.

I could feel My heart beating real fast , I suddenly became nervous…..wait! Nervous? Where’s that coming from? Nevertheless he was too cute and got cute lips

“You’re heavy.. he said bringing me back to reality then I realized I was still on him

“So…Sorry” I manage to say before standing up
This time, the whole school has taken enough pictures already

“Don’t worry..it was nice playing with you”…he replied with a smile revealing his dimples

Oh my! I exclaimed silently seeing those cute smile and dimples

“It was nice playing with you too” I replied.

I’m Ella and you? I said offering a hand shake

“See you again some other time” .. he said and walk away

What just happened? He just snubbed me?

Did you just snub me? There’s nothing bad in telling me your name yunno… You aren’t even that cute” I yelled but got no reply from him

That was actually a lie, he’s damn cute

Wow.. how rude but, he is totally my style. I didn’t even get to know his name.. I sigh in annoyance

Could his name be chase for real? Like chase? How weird” I said to no one in particular and made my way to the bathroom then Walk back to class for the remaining lectures

“She is kind of cute.. christian said to himself as he entered his car
“No more classes for today”! He added and drove out of school

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