EPISODE 4 : When We First Met (Taming Her)


              (Taming her?)

            ? Episode 4?

Greetings mom… I said immediately I entered the house

“you look really excited today, Did something interesting happened in school? Mom asked

“It’s nothing mom, I just love today’s lecture that’s all” I said taking a bottle of juice from the fridge.

“Where are the maids?” I asked

“Did you fall in love? She asked which made me choke on the juice I was drinking

“Mom… I call while she giggles

“Calm down…that was just a joke.. she replied


Nothing of such mom. I replied rather too quickly
I only played basketball ball with a friend today..I added walking to my room

Really? She asked suspiciously as she followed me

Yeah…I know it’s sounds strange but I’m just drawn to this guy and I don’t know why.. I replied as I entered my room

Okay?? Mom said sitting on my bed

Wow.. I can’t believe this woman. So she left her sitting room to mind only bec I played basketball? I stared at her unbelievably

We are best of friends but most time we fight a lot. Mom is a funny type and also the best mom you can wish for. But believe me, she a piece of headache most times. I love her so much for that.

“I will tell you then.. I said sitting next to her.

When we were playing, i fell on him and I could feel my heart beating really fast as if it was gonna fall… I said as I stood up

“That’s what you wanted to hear and I’ve told you. I added walking to the bathroom for some shower

“It could be love at first sight” ..mom said which made me laugh

” What’s funny young lady?! Mom asked with furrowed brows

” What year is this Mrs Wilson? I asked her


” I thought you were gonna say 1980’s”

” What do you mean?

“I mean this is modern era, don’t tell me you still believe in “LAFS” ?

” What’s LAFS? Mom asked and I facepalm my self

“This woman is indeed ancient” I muttered quietly

“I can hear you young miss Wilson…now would you like telling me what LASF is?

“It’s LAFS not LASF” I corrected

” Whatever…just tell me what it means” she said sarcastically

” It simply mean love at first sight”

“So..was it love at first sight? She asked wagging her brow

“Exactly what I was driving at, there’s nothing as love at first sight, I mean it’s not possible loving someone you just met for the first time? That’s…absurd.

“And what do you know?

” All I know is that, there’s no such thing in the world” I said while she made to argue further

” But___

That’s enough mom, I don’t want to hear anything anymore.. I cut her off as i entered the bathroom

Be fast and come downstairs for dinner.. she said loudly leaving my room


I got home and ma’am Nikki welcome me. She’s our cook but I took her as my mom though I never called her mom . she behaves like a mother and I like her for that. Kindly Hi NovelsRepublic on +2348055889183 on WhatsApp to get added to our novels group and get PDF links
She’s the best mother I’ve ever had ever since mom died. I wish I could tell her this. I’ve made so Many attempts but the word always hook in my throat and refuses to come out
I heard she’s been helping dad take care of me since I was an infant, and I kinda think dad feels something for her although dad has never made his feelings known but I could just feel it
Don’t ask me how I knew! I’m Christain, I have my ways

“How was class today?” She asked

“Fine as always” … I said hugging her ” I guess dad isn’t back from work yet” I added still hugging her

” He called earlier, he said he’s gonna be working extra hours” she said while I nodded

“You must be hungry” .. she added disengaging from the hug

“It seems I might die if I don’t eat your food”… I tease while she smiled.
I really love seeing her like this. I wish dad could move on and be with her. I thought still smiling

“Let’s go eat. I made some kimchi fried rice”….

” Wow.. kimchi fried rice? That sounds great.. yunno you cook the best kimchi fried rice right?I replied and followed her while she giggled

We got to the dining and food was served.

“Wow.. it looks delicious.. I said inhaling the aroma.

“Can’t wait to eat”… I said salivating

You know, I can’t help but notice your mode…You look happy” She said smiling at me

“Yeah … I am. I replied eating from the delicious kimchi fried rice

” So…do you Mind telling me the reason behind it because you’ve always been grumpy, it’s been long I saw you this happy” she said looking at me

” It’s nothing” I replied smiling

” C’mon just tell me” she insisted

“This is so good.. I said eating as if my life depended on it, intentionally changing the topic

“You will choke.. she said and immediately I did choke.

“Water” I manage to say as she pass me the water.

“You must be careful while eating..
“My bad. The food is just so delicious that I couldn’t eat slowly” I tease after drinking water

“Do you want more? She asked patting my back

“I would love too.. I replied as she dish me more kimchi fried rice
I just couldn’t help but stare at her. She is just too amazing. It makes me wonder what type of a woman my late mother was

Was she also like ma’am Nikki? Or even better? I thought as I continue eating as tears found itself down my cheek

“Why are you crying? She asked

“I can’t help it, the food is just too delicious.. I lied crying more

“Ohh dear… C’mon finish up”She nodded at the food while patting my back slowly

I finished eating and helped her clear the table.

“I will be in my room.. I said after I was done with clearing the table
I was about climbing the stairs to my room when suddenly stopped and looked at her again. I open my mouth to say something but no words came out

“Is there something you need? She asked walking to where I was standing

“Ca…can..Can I call you mother? I stuttered with the last courage in me.

She looked at me really confused, it seems she couldn’t digest what I just asked
I mean who will? It was unexpected and it left her dumbfounded.

“It’s fine if you don’t wanna be my mom.. I said walking upstairs

“You can…. If you are okay with it. She replied making me stop and my tracks with my eyes widdened. Should I say in shock or happiness?

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