Just In : NTC sends Important Message to All Teachers on PORTFOLIO

For the past weeks, teachers especially those in the public schools have been through pressure as a result of an informal circular which is believed to have sourced from the National Teaching Council (NTC), that clearly informs licensed teachers to build and upload their end of academic year portfolio.

This information was indeed a blow to some teachers and therefore many decided not to act on the directive since the said circular has no recognized authority source.

But to some, they took the pain and started gathering the necessary materials in building their portfolio in order not to be sacked from the Ghana Education Service, this is also untrue.

The information butlergh.com have gathered suggest the said rumor is entirely perfidious and therefore teachers should disregard with all that they can.

“There is an information circulating in social media on the issue of NTC concerning uploading of portfolios and a deadline is given please ignore because I was at a program last 3 days ago and DD in charge of Quality / Access was there and an issue was raised on it and after getting in touch with the Registrar of NTC he said the info was not from NTC so it should be ignored.”

Thank you

Source: Anonymous/Teachers WhatsApp Platform

However, to few teachers, they still think they are supposed to build their portfolio as a requirement for the National Teaching Council to renew their license in 2024, just that some of them don’t find adequately convincing reasons to do so, not that they should entirely ignore the portfolio because a so-called DD has unofficially disclaimed the earlier directives.

The NTC teacher portal/portfolio which is said to have been inactive on December 1, 2022 is still active and therefore teachers who have still not uploaded their materials online, and willing to do so as required can complete the exercise at anytime.

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