Reverend Kusi Boateng’s spiritual son to sue Okudzeto Ablakwa, Bright Simons for defamation

Welbeck Ampedu, a man who describes himself as a ‘spiritual son’ of embattled leader of the Power Chapel Worldwide, Reverend Victor Kusi Boateng has vowed to institute legal action against Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the Member of Parliament of North Tongu and Bright Simons, Vice President of IMANI Africa; over their decision to share a flyer with his image on social media.

Welbeck Ampedu who is a reporter with the Multimedia Group claimed that the use of the flyer has negatively affected his reputation and that he is heading to court to seek redress.

Despite issuing a notice for Bright Simons and Okudzeto Ablakwa to pull down the said posts with his image, the refused. Ampedu holds that the court will deliver justice for what he considers to be an act of defamation against him.

He claims to have no issue with the allegations leveled against Reverend Kusi Boateng by Okudzeto Ablakwa but holds that the use of the said photo has injured his image and integrity in the eyes of right-thinking members of the public.

“Two days ago I received a photo from one of my mates with the question that he didn’t know me to be a singer. I replied that I’m a singer. He asked if I was aware of a flier of a Power Chapel program with me on it that Okudzeto Ablakwa has shared it.

“I asked what it was about he said Ablakwa claimed to be making an exposé and he had named Reverend Kusi Boateng and his spiritual sons as owners of DNS. I asked if my name was mentioned and responded in the negative.

“I went to Okudzeto Ablakwa’s wall and I saw a flier with my photo. I didn’t take it seriously until after the morning show, some colleagues here who knew Reverend Victor as my spiritual father came to me raising issues about the whole photo. Due to the number of people who approached me, I began to see thing differently.

“Yesterday, another colleague sent one from Bright Simons. He had made a post with the same photo Ablakwa used. Then I got another one with an arrow pointing toward me.

“I’m a lead producer of a morning show and I’ve done it for close to eleven years so I cannot toy with my integrity if an honorable member pushes those pictures on social media without thinking about the sensitive nature of such a picture.

“I issued a statement and told Okudzeto Ablakwa and Bright Simons to pull down the flier with immediate effect and offer an unqualified apology. They’ve not pulled down the posts. Even if they pull it down and offer an apology, I will still sue. We will still go ahead and seek redress,“ he said on Asempa FM.

The flyer with Ampedu’s image was one of a number of photos shared by Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa on Monday, January 16, 2023, in his damning allegations against Reverend Kusi Boateng.

In an explosive set of allegations which he describes as the Tsar Bomba of all scandals, Ablakwa claimed that Reverend Kusi Boateng holds multiple passports and identification cards with some bearing the name Kwabena Adu Gyamfi.

“You will recall that in my earlier exposé of the scandalous GHC2.6million cash transfer from the National Cathedral Secretariat to JNS Talent Centre Limited, I pointed out that incorporation documents reveal that the three directors of JNS Talent Centre Limited are Johannes Eshun, Sheila Eshun and Kwabena Adu Gyamfi.

“I also later revealed that Rev. Johannes Eshun is a branch pastor of National Cathedral Executive Council Member/Director, Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng’s Power Chapel Worldwide.

“Hitherto, the third director—Mr. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi has remained a mystery figure.

“I am now able to reveal the true identity of this mystery director of JNS, Kwabena Adu Gyamfi.

“Definitely, the code has finally been cracked and it shocks to the marrow!

“Unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence confirms that Mr. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is the famous Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng who still serves on the National Cathedral Board as an Executive Council Member/Director.

“For the avoidance of doubt, there is no distinct Kwabena Adu Gyamfi. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is a criminal creation of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng. The two are therefore one and the same.

“Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi thought he had outwitted every Ghanaian, particularly our authorities whom he dribbled for many years; but the day of reckoning is finally here.

“From unassailable and irreproachable documents in my possession, Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi uses multiple passports and multiple identification cards with different names and different dates of birth as his special modus operandi,” he wrote on Facebook.


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