Mahama mobbed by NDC supporters in UK, Ireland

Former President John Dramani Mahama was in the United Kingdom for a presentation on the platform of the Chatham House Africa Programme, on Friday, January 27, 2023.

As part of his visit to the UK, Mahama and other leading members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), including the General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, met the party’s supporters in UK and Ireland.

A viral video sighted by GhanaWeb showed the NDC supporters surrounding the former president as they serenaded him.

This rose to a different level when Mahama entered the building where the meeting was to be held.

The supporters in their songs of praise called for Mahama to come back and lead Ghana again, describing him as someone who delivers on his promises.

“The blessing of Mahama is coming again! Coming again, again, again..

“Oh ye bo ne din sen: Mahama, Mahama, Mahama, Mahama. Oh ye fre no sen: Mahama, Mahama, Mahama!… he is a gentleman…” the party’s supporters could be heard singing.

Watch videos of the incident below:


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