FREE!!! – GES PROMOTION MOCK 4 EXAMS. [What is Expected of You.]

The bell will soon be told for the commencement of the long expected 2023 GES PROMOTION MOCK EXAMS. As we are already informed, the 4th MOCK is scheduled for tonight 22nd February, 2023, @8:PM on the prompt where the system will be made accessible for all 2023 teacher – candidates for the promotion exams. CLOSE […]

Planting for Food and Jobs has been relatively successful – Bryan Acheampong

Minister-designate for Food and Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong has said that he is impressed with the results of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme. According to him, the programme has been relatively successful since its implementation because it has given the Ghanaian populace access to an abundance of food products. During his vetting session […]

NDC suspends parliamentary primaries in 23 constituencies

The largest opposition party in Ghana, National Democratic Congress (NDC), has put on hold parliamentary primaries in 23 constituencies as it readies to elect candidates for the 2024 parliamentary elections. The decision was announced by the NDC General Secretary, Fifi Kwetey in a statement on Tuesday. The NDC opens the picking of nomination forms on Wednesday. The affected […]

One week observation of Christian Atsu announced

The one-week observation of the late football star, Christian Atsu, is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2023. The decision was borne out of some deliberations between the family of Atsu, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) and the Sports Ministry. They discussed extensively the funeral rites of the late Black Stars player at his family house in […]

Lady calls out her best friend for snatching her baby daddy from her

Your enemy is closer than you can ever imagine – It’s a terrible thing to get stabbed by two of your favourite people with your best knife. A South African lady named Munira Mudi has called out her best friend for snatching her baby daddy from her. As painfully disclosed by Munira, the lady she […]

Christian Atsu should have given his money to the church instead of poor people

The leader and founder of Shiloh Prayer Service, Pastor Elliezer Oswald Awuyeh has found fault with Christian Atsu’s benevolence towards the poor and needy when he was alive. While speaking to his congregation, the man of God argued that the late player had fallen short of the glory of God because instead of paying his […]

State-owned GOIL now GOIL PLC

The Ghana Oil Company Limited (GOIL) has announced a change in its corporate name. GOIL will now be known as GOIL PLC. “The name change is in compliance with provisions of the Companies Act 2019 (Act 992) section 21 (b) which directs that all public companies limited by shares must have the words ‘Public Limited […]

Ken Ofori-Atta heads to China to seek debt cancellation

The government of Ghana will this week start actively engaging external debtors with the view to getting debt cancellation, especially from the Paris club of creditors. The first stop of a government delegation seeking debt restructuring will be in China with Minister of Finance Ken Ofori-Atta will be leading the team expected in Beijing. China holds a […]