Heartbroken husband confronts wife after finding out their 11-year-old son is not his (Video)

Gradually, paternity fraud is becoming a norm in society – A lot of men are fathering kids who are not theirs and it’s very sad.

In a heartbreaking video that has since taken over social media trends, a young man can be seen pouring out his disappointment in his wife after finding out that their 11-year-old son is not his after conducting a secret DNA test.

According to the husband, his wife was going around telling her friends that he isn’t the father of the 11-year-old boy.

She also had evidence on her phone that he wasn’t the father of their son but she kept it a secret from him and was making a fool out of him.

The pained husband asked his wife why she did that to him despite providing her with all her needs and being a good father to the ‘innocent’ boy.

In the lady’s defence, she claimed that her husband’s rants weren’t necessary and all that mattered most is for him to love ‘their son’.

Watch the video below to know more…



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