GH Pastor caught live on tape bathing a pregnant woman – VIDEO

The rate at which some Pastors are demeaning the image of God through certain activities of theirs is becoming very alarming.

Unlike the old Men of God who diligently did God’s work, the new crop of pastors especially the young ones are causing a lot under the guise of God’s calling on them.

There have been several stories where Pastors do the Unthinkable. It is high time they put a stop to that before God strikes them dead.

In yet another sad and chilling story, a Ghanian Pastor has been caught red-handed bathing a pregnant woman.

This pastor, according to sources goes about hiding under the shade of Prophet Ogyaba as one of his junior pastors to bathe women.

He scares these women with doom revelations and tells them the only option to off-load the doom burden on their heads is to bathe them.

This pastor applied the same method to one of Prophet Ogyaba’s pregnant church members.

He bathed the private parts of the woman in the washroom with salty water and inserted his hands there.



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