Wife living abroad sheds tears as her husband spends all the money she sent him to build a house for her

A hardworking young lady simply identified on TikTok as Rinu has lamented tearfully on the social media platform after discovering that her husband spent all her salary.

In the fast-trending emotional video, Rinu explained that she planned to return home in June 2023 but realised her account balance was zero as her husband has withdrawn all the money in it.

As claimed by Rinu, who has been in Saudi Arabia;

“I have realised today that my husband ate all my money for 4yrs and I was planning to go back home in June.”

The distraught woman lamented over the result of trusting her husband.

“I thought coming here in Saudi will solve all my problems but it is now 4 years with 0 balance on my account because of trusting my husband.”

She added that he got a new life partner and did not even buy a single brick. Rinu disclosed her predicament in different videos seen on her page:

I have been sending all my salary to him for 4 years to build but yesterday I got the info that he has married another woman.

I told him to build for me I was shocked yesterday that he didn’t even buy one brick for me. Imagine 4 years money.”




Below are some of the pieces of advice from worried TikTok users who have come across Rinu’s sad story.

Miranda said: “Don’t come back just renew n work n u save for yo self,but why do u trust men?,me on money i can’t trust my sister or even my mother.Money can change.”

Lumka Slind said: “This is really sorry my sister i happened on another lady she was planning to retire only to find out half of her pention has been cash out

patience30 said: “Sorry dear just trust God everything will be fine dear even me my family ate my money for three years but I started my new life.”

user29548154275114 said: “Sorry dear,it once happened to me n i was broke bankless bt God lifted me now.i don have much bt im ok.”

queencilla35 said: “Sorry dear he will pay just dont loose it mine is paying his own. God has also been good. I pray for you sis.”

kingfish said: “With money even my right hand dont trust left thats y all my trousers have pocket each side.”


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