Married woman secretly transfers properties into brother’s name only for his wife to seek divorce and demand half

A woman who invested in properties and channeled them to her brother has lamented bitterly after what she thought was a sound financial decision has turned around to affect her negatively.

The mother of three who is married to a well-to-do man claimed to have acquired her assets including money, rental properties, plots of land, taxis for business and many others without her husband’s knowledge and had transferred all of them to her brother’s name.

According to the woman, who wrote to Ugandan financial advisor, Ssalongo Ssali, she did that to safeguard her future in case her husband decides to divorce her and leave her with nothing. Smart move right?

But unknown to her, the brother’s wife who is aware of all the documentation in her husband’s name was nursing plans to partially take it from them. She has just filed for divorce and is demanding half of the properties in the divorce settlement.

The distraught woman has asked for advise on what to do now that her sister-in-law with to kids wants to claim her properties through the divorce.

In her words; “I am a married woman and a mother of 3 kids. My husband is financially well off. I am working at my professional job and he left me with full authority and freedom to manage my finances as i wish.

I have saved and by God’s grace, i have secretly accumulated a number of property including rentals, various plots of land, taxis for business etc. To be honest, i registered most of my property into my brother’s names with fear that in case my husband divorces me, i have all my property and i move on.

Unfortunately my brother’s wife of 2 kids has recently filed for divorce and wants more than half of his property and fortune. To make matters worse, she is aware of all property registered in her husband’s names including my investments! And she’s very serious with divorce and property sharing!

I really regret why i did this! How can i save my investments? Advise me.”

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