“I killed two virgins in Ghana and ate their hearts for money rituals” – Nigerian sakawa boy confesses

A 22-year-old Nigerian man has confessed to killing two Ghanaian virgin women in Ghana for ritual purposes to get rich quick.

Praise Iwoh, a native of Delta State, opened up about his underdealings when he visited God’s Delight Gospel Assembly fin Nigeria or delivernace from his sins.

The young man who run to the church for salvation said he was on the verge of running mad and needed spiritual intervention. But before he could be saved, the pastor asked him to confess his sins first.

Speaking in front of a multitude, he revealed that he was involved in an advanced form of cyber fraud, porpularly known as Yahoo Yahoo or Sakawa locally, which involves the sacrifice of humanbeings and their blood for unexplained riches overnight.

He revealed that a herbalist in Ghana’s Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi, directed him to present the two pure women for the money ritual.

He left the church congregation exclaiming in shock when he further made a goosebump revelation that he was compelled to cut open the two women, take out their hearts and eat them raw like a cannibal.https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cri4pShASri/embed/?cr=1&v=14&wp=675&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ghpage.com&rp=%2Fi-killed-two-virgins-ghana-ate-hearts-money-rituals-nigerian-sakawa-boy-confesses%2F278715%2F#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A1193%2C%22ls%22%3A827.2000000178814%2C%22le%22%3A827.2000000178814%7D

The man who seemed to be haunted by some evil forces said the ritualist gave him a ring to put on his finger which served as his source of pwer to conda money.

However the ring was making him go insane and needed God’s intervention to gain his sanity.

Watch the full video HERE


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