One dead, another in critical condition after motor accident

A 17-year-old boy died on the spot with another person in critical condition after two motorbikes crashed at Gomoa Akraman on the Gomoa Akotsi -Kwanyarko road in the Central Region.

The deceased has been identified as Atta Panin.

The accident occurred on Saturday.

In an interview with Adom news, the twin brother of the deceased, Atta Kakra, revealed that his brother was sent to buy fuel at Gomoa Akotsi when the unfortunate incident happened.

Atta Kakra narrated the other Okada rider lost control and veered off his lane into his brother’s, leading to the fatal crash.

They were rushed to St Gregory Hospital.

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Meanwhile, the Chairman of Okada riders, Seth Quainoo, said he believes the victim could have survived the accident if he was wearing a helmet.

SOURCEKofi Adjei

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