This is what Ayensudo AME Zion School is Doing that Others can Emulate [Read more…]


​Ayensudo A.M.E Zion Basic School is one of the academically, sports and talented leadingschools in the KEEA Municipality. As an annual exercise by the school, the school organized a learner-parent SIT-BY-ME PTA meeting to bring to the notice of the parents the performance trajectory of their wards, through MOCK ANALYSIS. In achieving this, the school contracted the young and award winning company in the District, EXAMS GHANA for this outstanding result outlook.

​The Form Three (3) master Mr. Adamah Mohammed, welcomed the parents to the comprehensive analysis of the Form Three mock examination results at AyensudoA.M.E Zion Basic School. In this ritual meeting, the school(teachers) delve into the performance of their students, identify areas of strength and improvement, and discuss strategies to enhancetheir academic success. These mock results will serve as a valuable tool for evaluating our teaching methods and guiding students towards better performance in the final exams.

1. Overall Performance:

According to the Form master, Mr. Mohammed Adamah, the Form Three mock examination results reflect the collective efforts of our students. Therefore, it became essential to assess the overall performance to gain insights into our teaching effectiveness and student preparedness. The average scores, subject-wise performance, and grade distribution was discussed which is aimed to provide a comprehensive overview.

2. Subject-wise Analysis:

a. Mathematics:

​Mathematics is a crucial subject that requires a solid foundation and logical thinking. Under the meeting, the mathematics teacher, Hannah Assifuah, guided the parents to examine the performance of the students in mathematics, identify common areas of difficulty, and propose targeted strategies to improve problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding.

b. English Language:

Effective communication skills are essential in today’s world. The subject teachers, Madam Evelyn Ofori and Mr. Adamah Mohammed, took the parents through the analysis of the English Language results to assess students’ reading comprehension, writing abilities, and grammar proficiency.  She ended by highlighting crucial areas that need attention and suggest techniques to enhance language skills; some to the school, some to the herself and parent as well.

c. Science:

Science plays a vital role in fostering curiosity and critical thinking and also considered one of the core subjects for the BECE grading system. The subject teacher, Mr. Asante Stephen, reviewed the Form Three mock results in science the parents, identify topics that students found challenging, and provide suggestions for practical activities and interactive learning to foster scientific understanding as they prepare for their upcoming BECE.

d. Social Studies:

In the school, Mr. Yakubu Martin, the Social Studies master who equips students with knowledge about society, history, and culture also engaged the parents in the result analysis. With the parents involved, he analyzes the performance in this subject, identify areas where students struggled, and propose engaging teaching methods that promote active learning and conceptual clarity, in order to attain higher academic success in their final examination.

​All other subject teachers, Mr. Orpheus Ewusi-Armah for ICT, Madam Paulina Awortwe for Fanteand R.M.E, took the pain to engaged the parents through their subject areas result analysis following the distribution of the printed result analysis copies to the parents. They also suggested to the parents how they can help their wards in achieving better results next time.

3. Areas of Strength:

​According to the headmistress of the school, Madam Elizabeth Techie-Menson, added that, “it is equally important to celebrate the achievements of our students. Again, we acknowledged the areas where our students performed exceptionally well, highlighted their strengths and commending their hard work and dedication. She concluded that, recognizing and appreciating success of our students is crucial for maintaining motivation and building confidence in them”.

4. Collective Strategies for Improvement:

​To ensure continuous growth and improvement, the house discussed strategies to address the areas where students faced challenges. These strategiesas discussed included personalized tutoring, group study sessions, additional learning resources, and teacher support. By implementing these measures, the Ayensudo A.M.E Zion Basic School aim toempower their students and help them overcome difficulties effectively.


​The Assistant Headteacher, in his closing remarks, made the house applauded for seven (7) individual students who pledged to attain single and multiple aggregates range of (6 – 15). He added that, these students are under special grooming which is aimed at realizing their BECE pledges.​

​“The Form Three mock analysis provides us with valuable insights into the academic progress of our students at Ayensudo A.M.E Zion Basic School. By examining the overall performance, subject-wise analysis, areas of strength, and strategies for improvement, we can create a roadmap for enhancing teaching methodologies and supporting our students’ educational journey. Through collaborative efforts between teachers, students, and parents, we can foster a conducive learning environment that promotes success. Let us move forward with renewed enthusiasm and dedication to empower our students and guide them towards achieving their full potential”, the form three master positioned.

​It is therefore advised that, other sister schools or any school who lays hand on this content emulate same or an improved strategy in bringing parents awareness to their wards academic performance.

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