Nude Pictures & videos of GhOne Worker Yazzi Sangari take over social media trends

GH One TV’s Yazzi Sangari has taken over social media trends after IG blogger @Thosecalledcelebs broke the news about her nudes and rape accusations. According to @Thosecalledcelebs, Yazzi Sangari was drugged during an outing. READ ALSO: Trending video of the most beautiful bridesmaid in Ghana Her best friend made her boyfriend and his friends sleep with […]

Nana Ama McBrown speaks on Selly’s twins for the first time

Actress cum presenter Nana Ama McBrown has for the first time since the news of Selly Galley giving birth to twins in the United States. Following the good news, several celebrities congratulated Selly Galley for giving birth after waiting eight years to get pregnant. Old video of Nana Ama McBrown prophesying that Selly was going to give birth to […]

Nkwatia Presby SHS Assistant Headmaster who assaulted student relieved of duties

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has criticized the repor by on the assault of a student by the Assistant Headmaster (Academics) of Nkwatia Presby Senior High School. Photographs and videos of the student’s heavily bruised face have been widely circulated on social media generating widespread outrage. Expressing deep concern, the GES has released a […]

Over 100 gay men arrested during secret gay wedding (Video)

The Nigerian Police Force has reportedly arrested over 100 individuals who were allegedly involved in a secret gay wedding. A video that has gone viral shows the suspects paraded in front of a police station. The incident has sparked conversations and controversy both within the country and on the international stage. Notably, the individuals apprehended […]