Man gets woman’s name tattooed in exchange for lifetime subscription to her er0tic streaming account (video)

An Australian model has filmed the moment a man she had met twenty minutes prior, got her name tattooed on his wrist.

Minki Minna, explained in the video that she had promised the man a lifelong free subscription to her adult content sharing site if he dared tattoo her name.—&client=ca-pub-2427099653703778&output=html&h=280&adk=3933108779&adf=2316337160&pi=t.aa~a.554527939~i.4~rp.4&w=778&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1696499049&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=4779063894&ad_type=text_image&format=778×280&!2&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=pJZkB8Hdps&p=https%3A//

The 22-year-old model claims to have never met the man before in her life and said she only struck up a conversation with him just 20 minutes prior to him making the body-altering decision.

“OMG this guy I met 20 minutes ago is getting my name tattooed on his write if I give him a lifelong sub to my OF,” she wrote on the clip

“I can’t believe this is actually happening, oh my god.”

Man gets woman?s name tattooed in exchange for lifetime subscription to her er0tic streaming account (video)
Man gets woman?s name tattooed in exchange for lifetime subscription to her er0tic streaming account (video)

She filmed the stranger going through the process of signing the consent forms and getting her name stencilled on his wrist, before it was permanently tattooed on his skin.

Man gets woman?s name tattooed in exchange for lifetime subscription to her er0tic streaming account (video)

Minki said that while she had offered to pay, the man refused and paid with his own money.

Man gets woman?s name tattooed in exchange for lifetime subscription to her er0tic streaming account (video)

She confirmed at the end of the video that she has given the man a lifelong subscription to her adult content site.

Watch the video below 

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