GH man who has spent 27 years in the US begs for a plane ticket to return to Ghana

Life hasn’t turned out as expected for some Ghanaians who left their homeland in pursuit of a better life for themselves and their families.
A Ghanaian man who travelled to the United States of America (USA) nearly three decades ago with hopes of a brighter future has now found himself begging on the streets to make ends meet.

A video that has gone viral on social media shows a man named Patrick Tebo who’s Techimantia pleading for help from benevolent people to assist him in getting a plane ticket to return to Ghana.

GH man who has spent 27 years in the US begs for a plane ticket to return to Ghana
The one who was filming Patrick while he was begging for help requested anyone who might know him to come forward and offer assistance to him, especially his family members in Ghana.

Beloe are some of the comments gathered under the emotional video…

Pheobe Jacques – Find a mental health institution so he can get help. Ghana won’t be good for him

Kente Pa – He will not come anywhere he must make it before

Vickybrown Sydney – While he was enjoying back then did he inform Ghanians? Did he develope, contribute or assist any Ghanian? Help wisely

Yung Kwasi Knight – Laziness is a disease that breaks destinies

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