ADI & ADII – GES Aptitude Test Qs and Ans. [Start Now|

You may now begin… Candidates are supposed to spend approximately 45 seconds on each question. Therefore, candidates are required to attempt these standard 75 ADI and ADII promotion questions and answers within the one (1) hour time. 5…………………… refers to the number of studentsenrolled in a given level of education, regardless of age,expressed as a […]

Some Useful Reminders/Fingertips For GES Aptitude Test You Must Know.

LET THESE DATES GUIDE US AS WELL■1951- AcceleratedDevelopment Plan for Education ■1952. Waec was established ■1957. MOE was established ■1961- Fee-Free Basic Education ■1963 – Free Supply of Textbooks ■1964 – Continuation School Programme ■1976 – Experimental JSS ■1976 – Introduction of 3-year Post Secondary Teacher Education ■1987 – JSS replaced middle school ■1988 – […]

FREE!!! – GES PROMOTION MOCK 4 EXAMS. [What is Expected of You.]

The bell will soon be told for the commencement of the long expected 2023 GES PROMOTION MOCK EXAMS. As we are already informed, the 4th MOCK is scheduled for tonight 22nd February, 2023, @8:PM on the prompt where the system will be made accessible for all 2023 teacher – candidates for the promotion exams. CLOSE […]

Pasco 2

Exams Ghana Evening Posology

Morning Dose is ready. ABOUT US Exams Ghana is a virtual and interactive testing environment that only offers a thorough educational evaluation designed to gauge the test-knowledge, taker’s skill, aptitude, or categorization in a variety of other topics, subjects, or courses. This is a collaborative platform that is handled by education professionals with over three […]


The following guidelines will govern the conduct of all examinations in the GES examination. All concerned (Candidates, Invigilators, Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors. Monitors) must acquaint themselves with these Rules and Regulations. 1.0 Qualifying to write the GES Promotion Examination A candidate shall qualify to write the GES Examination if: 1.1 He/She is due for promotion […]

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EXAMS GHANA ABOUT Exams Ghana is a virtual and interactive testing environment that only offers a thorough educational evaluation designed to gauge the test-knowledge, taker’s skill, aptitude no, or categorization in a variety of other topics, subjects, or courses. This is a collaborative platform that is handled by education professionals with over three decades of […]